var stats = require('./stats')
var stats = require('./stats')
These are the primary log levels. Your logger object has a method for each of these.
var LOG_LEVELS = {
emergency : 0,
alert : 1,
critical : 2,
error : 3,
warning : 4,
notice : 5,
info : 6,
debug : 7,
Need these to be shared across react-server (can actually be modified by the logging modules).
var config = (global._REACT_SERVER_CONFIG || (global._REACT_SERVER_CONFIG = {
main: {
baseLevel: 'error',
levels: LOG_LEVELS,
colors: {
emergency : 'red',
alert : 'red',
critical : 'red',
error : 'red',
warning : 'yellow',
notice : 'yellow',
info : 'green',
debug : 'blue',
This config is for an internal logger used by the time
time: {
TODO: Some day, when slow times are rare, we should set this to ‘slow’ in production to surface performance issues.
baseLevel: 'none',
levels: {
none: 0, // Not used. Disables in production.
slow: 1,
fine: 2,
fast: 3,
colors: {
slow: 'red',
fine: 'yellow',
fast: 'green',
This config is for an internal logger used by the gauge
gauge: {
TODO: Some day, when abnormal values are rare, we should set this to ‘lo’ in production to surface issues.
baseLevel: 'no',
levels: {
no: 0, // Not used. Disables in production.
hi: 1,
lo: 2,
ok: 3,
colors: {
hi: 'red',
lo: 'red',
ok: 'green',
These need to be shared across react-server.
var loggers = (global._REACT_SERVER_LOGGERS || (global._REACT_SERVER_LOGGERS = {}));
We may have loggers with the same name in different groups, so we’ll give each group its own container.
if (!Object.keys(loggers).length){
for (var group in config){
if (!config.hasOwnProperty(group)) continue;
loggers[group] = {};
This is just a cache. Don’t want to instantiate a given logger more than once.
var getLoggerForConfig = makeLogger => {
return function(group, opts){
return loggers[group][] || (
loggers[group][] = makeLogger(group, opts)
This is a helper function that takes an internal makeLogger
function and produces a public getLogger
function. The produced
function calls the provided makeLogger
function for
each of our two loggers and then stitches the stats logger onto the main
var makeGetLogger = makeLogger => (
opts => stats.getCombinedLogger(getLoggerForConfig(makeLogger), opts)
Just a handy helper for iteration.
var forEachLogger = callback => Object.keys(config).forEach(group => {
Object.keys(loggers[group]).forEach(logger => {
callback(loggers[group][logger], group);
Return a stack trace. Strip strip
extra frames off (optional).
function stack(strip=0){
No stack property on Error objects in ie9, unfortunately.
return (new Error().stack || '').split("\n").slice(2+strip).join("\n")
module.exports = { config, loggers, stack, makeGetLogger, forEachLogger };