var logger = require('../logging').getLogger(__LOGGER__)
, Q = require('q')
, merge = require("lodash/merge")
, isEqual = require("lodash/isEqual")
var logger = require('../logging').getLogger(__LOGGER__)
, Q = require('q')
, merge = require("lodash/merge")
, isEqual = require("lodash/isEqual")
TODO: we should figure out a way to consolidate this with SuperAgentExtender
var responseBodyParsers = {
'application/json': function (text) {
if (text && text.trim) {
text = text.trim();
if (/^{}&&/.test(text)) {
text = text.substr(4);
return JSON.parse(text);
* An entry in the RequestDataCache
class CacheEntry {
* @param cache [required] the RequestDataCache instance that owns this
* `CacheEntry`.
* @param requestData a request data descriptor. Won't be passed if this
* CacheEntry is in the process of being rehydrated
* @param cacheWhiteList [optional] the whitelist of repsonse fields that
* will be serialized with this entry. Not passed when rehydrating.
constructor (cache, requestData = {}, cacheWhitelist) {
this.cache = cache;
this.cacheWhitelist = cacheWhitelist;
this.requesters = 0;
this.dfd = Q.defer();
this.loaded = false;
this.res = undefined;
this.err = undefined;
copy the rest of the properties from input requestData to this.requestData
this.url = requestData.urlPath;
this.requestData = {};
.forEach(key => {this.requestData[key] = requestData[key]});
dehydrate ( {responseBodyOnly} = {} ) {
var err = this.err;
if (err) {
create a shallow copy of the error object
var errCopy = merge({}, err);
if (errCopy.response) {
errCopy.response = this._copyResponseForDehydrate(errCopy.response, { responseBodyOnly });
return {
url: this.url,
requestData: this.requestData,
requesters: this.requesters,
loaded: this.loaded,
res: this._copyResponseForDehydrate(this.res, { responseBodyOnly }),
err: errCopy,
* _copyResponseForDehydrate attempts to construct a canonical form of the response object
* that can be used later to reconstruct it. Its primary goal is to avoid duplication of
* the response body in both the `.text` and `.body` properties of the cached response object.
* There are several ways this could have been handled, but the purest way (as of right now)
* from the standpoint of the API appears to be to provide parsing functions for known
* response types (e.g., "application/json"). If the response content-type is known, we'll
* simply serialize a placeholder (`_hasBody`) indicating that we should try to reparse the
* body from the response text when rehydrating. If there is a parsed body on the response at
* the time of dehydrating and we *don't* recognize the response type, we'll serialize both
* `.text` and `.body`, paying a penalty in response size, but guaranteeing correctness.
* (We'll also log a warning saying that we should probably add another response type).
_copyResponseForDehydrate (res, {responseBodyOnly} = {}) {
if (!res) return res;
var resCopy = {};
if (responseBodyOnly) {
resCopy.body = res.body;
return resCopy;
var parseable = !!responseBodyParsers[res.type];
Object.keys(res).forEach( (prop) => {
if ("body" === prop && parseable) {
don’t copy body if it’s a well-known (easily-parsed) content-type
resCopy._hasBody = true;
} else {
if ("body" === prop) {
‘parseable’ must be false. we should log a warning
logger.warning(`ReactServerAgent needs responseBodyParser for content-type: ${res.type} to avoid duplicating data in cache body`);
resCopy[prop] = res[prop];
return resCopy;
rehydrate (state) {
NOTE: rehydrate will be called TWICE for late arrivals: once initially, when not loaded, and once again when the request arrives
var err = state.err;
if (err) {
err.response = this._rehydrateResponse(err.response);
this.url = state.url;
this.requestData = state.requestData;
this.requesters = state.requesters;
this.loaded = state.loaded;
this.res = this._rehydrateResponse(state.res);
this.err = err;
TODO FIXME: these won’t work if the response from the server was an error
if (this.loaded) {
call setResponse to resolve the deferred
if (this.res) {
} else if (this.err) {
logger.debug(`Rehydrating resolved url to cache: ${this.url}`);
} else {
logger.debug(`Rehydrating pending url to cache without data: ${this.url}`);
_rehydrateResponse (res) {
if (!res) return res;
if (res._hasBody) {
re-parse the text of the response body serialized by the server. if the body wasn’t in a known format, it will have been included directly
var parse = responseBodyParsers[res.type];
if (!parse) {
logger.warning(`Unparseable content type for ${this.url}: ${res.type}, but response._hasBody was true. (This may be a bug in ReactServerAgent)`);
res.body = parse && res.text && res.text.length
? parse(res.text)
: null;
delete res._hasBody;
return res;
setResponse (res) {
TODO: store superagent response? or body? or payload?
Pull out the pieces of the response we care about. This would be a NOOP client-side, so we’ll skip it.
res = this._trimResponseData(res);
Stash away a reference to the response.
this.res = res;
this.loaded = true;
Resolve with a serialized copy. We’ll unserialize for each requester. This way we provide a fresh copy each time so mutations don’t leak.
This also leaves us with a clean copy of the original response. This is important to ensure that we provide the same data from the cache when we wake up in the browser as we initially provide on the server.
setError (err) {
If the error was caused by a server response, trim it and serialize it like a regular response
if (err && err.response) {
err.response = this._trimResponseData(err.response);
this.err = err;
this.loaded = true;
Deep copy, to make sure nobody plays with the object we put in the cache
err = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(err));
_parsePromise(dfd) {
return dfd.promise.then(val => JSON.parse(val));
whenDataReady () {
server-side, we increment the number of requesters we expect to retrieve the data on the frontend
this.requesters += 1;
return this._parsePromise(this.dfd);
} else {
client-side, whenever someone retrieves data from the cache, we decrement the number of retrievals expected, and when we hit zero, remove the cache entry.
return this._requesterDecrementingPromise(this.dfd);
for internal (react-server middleware) calls
whenDataReadyInternal () {
return this.dfd.promise;
decrementRequesters () {
logger.debug("Decrementing: " + this.url);
this.requesters -= 1;
if (this.requesters === 0) {
* Chain a promise with another promise that decrements
* the number of expected requesters.
_requesterDecrementingPromise (dfd) {
regardless of whether we’re resolved with a ‘res’ or ‘err’, we want to decrement requests. the appropriate ‘success’ or ‘error’ callback will be executed on whatever is chained after this method
return this._parsePromise(dfd).fin( resOrErr => {
return resOrErr;
isForSameRequest (requestData) {
var otherRD = requestData;
var myRD = this.requestData;
function same(propName) {
return isEqual(myRD[propName], otherRD[propName]);
specifying the order of checks here to let the fast/common checks fail first
return same("urlPath")
&& same("method")
&& same("type")
&& same("queryParams")
&& same("postParams");
Pull out the properties of the superagent response that we care about and produce an object that’s suitable for writing as JSON.
_trimResponseData (res) {
var result = {};
/*'files'*/ // TODO
/* "header",*/ // header is no longer included by default in the cache to save space
].forEach( prop => {
result[prop] = res[prop];
if (this.cacheWhitelist) {
this.cacheWhitelist.forEach( prop => {
result[prop] = res[prop];
return result;
* Cache of responses to API requests made server-side that will be
* serialized as part of the initial page request and replayed in the
* browser.
class RequestDataCache {
constructor () {
* Map[String -> CacheEntry[]]
this.dataCache = {};
dehydrate ({responseBodyOnly=false} = {}) {
var out = {
dataCache: {},
var dataCache = this.dataCache;
Object.keys(dataCache).forEach(url => {
as a nice-to-have for FragmentDataCache, if there’s only one entry for a given URL, don’t serialize it as an array, serialize it as a single CacheEntry
var dehydratedEntries =
dataCache[url].map(entry => entry.dehydrate({ responseBodyOnly }));
out.dataCache[url] = dehydratedEntries.length === 1 ? dehydratedEntries[0] : dehydratedEntries;
return out;
rehydrate (state) {
logger.debug("Rehydrating RequestDataCache");
clear state
var dataCache = this.dataCache = {};
Object.keys(state.dataCache).forEach(url => {
var entries = state.dataCache[url];
convert entries to an array, if it was serialized as a single entry
entries = Array.isArray(entries) ? entries : [entries];
dataCache[url] = => {
var newEntry = new CacheEntry(this);
return newEntry;
* Get (optionally creating if necessary) the entry for the given
* requestData from the cache.
* @param createIfMissing boolean default false
* @param cacheWhitelist array default []
entry (requestData, createIfMissing = false, cacheWhitelist = []) {
if (!requestData.urlPath) {
throw new Error("Missing requestData.urlPath");
logger.debug(`Getting ReactServerAgent request data cache entry for ${requestData.urlPath}`)
var cacheEntry = this._findEntry(requestData);
if (!cacheEntry && createIfMissing) {
cacheEntry = this._addEntry(requestData, cacheWhitelist);
return cacheEntry;
_findEntry (requestData) {
var urlPath = requestData.urlPath;
var entries = this.dataCache[urlPath] || [];
old-school loop so we can break early
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
var entry = entries[i];
if (entry.isForSameRequest(requestData)) {
return entry;
return null;
* Add a new CacheEntry for the request described by `requestData`
* @param requestData the request data descriptor, as defined by
* Request._getCacheAffectingData.
* @param cacheWhiteList the whitelist of fields that will be provided
* on the request.
_addEntry (requestData, cacheWhitelist) {
var urlPath = requestData.urlPath,
entries = this.dataCache[urlPath] || (this.dataCache[urlPath] = []),
newEntry = new CacheEntry(this, requestData, cacheWhitelist);
return newEntry
_removeEntry (entry) {
var urlPath = entry.requestData.urlPath,
entries = this.dataCache[urlPath],
idx = entries.indexOf(entry);
if (idx >= 0) {
entries.splice(idx, 1);
markLateRequests () {
this.getPendingRequests().forEach(req => {req.entry.late = true});
getLateRequests () {
return this.getAllRequests().filter(req => req.entry.late);
getPendingRequests () {
return this.getAllRequests().filter(req => !req.entry.loaded);
getAllRequests() {
var all = [];
Object.keys(this.dataCache).forEach(url => {
this.dataCache[url].forEach(entry => {
all.push({ url, entry })
return all;
whenAllPendingResolve () {
var promises = this.getAllRequests().map(req => req.entry.dfd.promise);
return Q.allSettled(promises);
* Fires when the cache has been completely depleted, which is used as a signal to render when there was a timeout on the server.
whenCacheDepleted () {
this.whenCacheDepletedDfd = this.whenCacheDepletedDfd || Q.defer();
return this.whenCacheDepletedDfd.promise;
checkCacheDepleted() {
if (this.whenCacheDepletedDfd) {
var totalRequestersPending = 0;
this.getAllRequests().forEach(req => {
if (req.entry.loaded) {
totalRequestersPending += req.entry.requesters;
logger.debug(`Checking for depleted cache, with ${totalRequestersPending} requesters left`);
if (totalRequestersPending === 0) this.whenCacheDepletedDfd.resolve();
lateArrival (url, dehydratedEntry) {
logger.debug(`Late arrival for ${url}`);
var entry = this._findEntry(dehydratedEntry.requestData);
if (entry) {
} else {
module.exports = RequestDataCache;