import RequestLocalStorage from "./RequestLocalStorage";
import forEach from "lodash/forEach";
import map from "lodash/map";
import assign from "lodash/assign";
import pick from "lodash/pick";
const RLS = RequestLocalStorage.getNamespace();
import RequestLocalStorage from "./RequestLocalStorage";
import forEach from "lodash/forEach";
import map from "lodash/map";
import assign from "lodash/assign";
import pick from "lodash/pick";
const RLS = RequestLocalStorage.getNamespace();
This module provides methods that expose values from the query string.
So, for example, if you pass ?_debug_render_timeout=1000
then you can
call DebugUtil.getRenderTimeout()
and receive 1000
Additionally you may call DebugUtil.getAllDebugValues()
to obtain an
object with all debug parameters extracted from the query string.
const DEBUG_PARAMS = {
getRenderTimeout : "_debug_render_timeout",
getOutputLogs : "_debug_output_logs",
getLab : "_debug_lab",
getJsBelowTheFold: "_debug_js_below_the_fold",
getSplitJsLoad : "_debug_split_js_load",
getLogLevel : "_react_server_log_level",
getLogLevelMain : "_react_server_log_level_main",
getLogLevelTime : "_react_server_log_level_time",
getLogLevelGauge : "_react_server_log_level_gauge",
const DebugUtil = {
setRequest(req) {
assign(RLS(), pick(req.getQuery(), map(DEBUG_PARAMS, v => v)));
getAllDebugValues() {
return assign({}, RLS());
Make the methods.
forEach(DEBUG_PARAMS, (param, method) => DebugUtil[method] = () => RLS()[param]);
export default DebugUtil;